Friday, September 18, 2009

She's just too cute NOT to take pictures!

Does this not remind you of the Gerber baby?


She is such a happy baby. (Most of the time, I think she's working on some teeth so there's been a liitle bit more fussiness lately.)

Who could not love that face.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cadence is growing

Well, I don't have a new picture but Cadence is about 15 lbs and getting so cute! She's got a little round bald (and I mean BALD) spot on the back of her head. She has been sitting up on her own a little while before she starts tipping. You can tell she really wants to sit up because she starts straining to sit up if you lay her down. Also, we made an offer on a house (#6) and it was accepted!