Friday, September 18, 2009

She's just too cute NOT to take pictures!

Does this not remind you of the Gerber baby?


She is such a happy baby. (Most of the time, I think she's working on some teeth so there's been a liitle bit more fussiness lately.)

Who could not love that face.


  1. How stinking cute is she!! Look at that red-red hair! Evelyn was so excited to see the new picture of her cousin, and this is the first time, but she called her cousin Katie! Evelyn and Allison will be so excited to see her at Christmas!

  2. We can't wait to see you guys either! Who knows how big Cadence will be by then. She's already wearing some 6-9 month stuff and she's not quite 3 1/2 months old! I just think that mom and dad have THE CUTEST grandkids in the whole world!
